Cookie Policy


The Site uses cookies, as described within this document.

We hope that the information below will help you clarifying the aspects related to cookies. Certain specific terms are described within the hereby document and others, written in capital letters, will have the meaning assigned and defined within the document “Terms and Conditions”, available on the Site at the address:


Certain information which is relevant for the use of the Site may be stored, as cookies, on the devices (desktop or mobile) you use as User. These cookies help improving the use of the Site. Disabling the collection of this Data is also possible, by blocking the cookies from the browser settings, but only certain functions of the Site may be affected.

The cookie (term also known as “cookie browser”, “HTTP cookie” or “internet cookie”) is a small file made up of letters and numbers, which will be stored on the computer, the mobile terminal or on other devices belonging to a user, from which the internet is accessed. The cookie is set up through the request sent by a web server to a browser (e.g.: Internet Explorer, Chrome) and it is completely “passive” (it does not contain software, viruses or spyware and it cannot access the user’s hard drive information).

A cookie is made up of two parts: the name and the content (or the value). Furthermore, a cookie’s life span is limited. Technically speaking, only the web server which sent the cookie may access again the information when the User returns to the website associated with such a web server.


The Site sets up cookies only to allow the improvement of the features offered, so as the User’s experience while visiting the Site can happen and it can become more pleasant. These files make possible the recognition of the User’s terminal and presenting the content in a more relevant manner, adjusted to the User’s preferences. The cookies ensure the Users a pleasant browsing experience and they support the Site Holder’s efforts to offer services comfortable for the Users: e.g. the preferences regarding online privacy.

Furthermore, they are used to prepare certain anonymous agreed statistics, which help us understand how a User benefits from our websites, allowing us to improve their structure and content, excluding the personal identification of the User. The cookies are not used to collect Personal Data.

The duration of storing the cookies on the devices you use to connect to Internet and to access the Site is of 2 years.


Users are entitled to accept cookies to have access to the Site and all its functions or to refuse the cookies application. Should Users refuse those cookies which are compulsory, the usage of the Site may be technically affected.

The refusal to accept other cookies than the compulsory ones will not affect the User’s usage of the Site.


The Site Users are entitled to modify the cookies settings in the internet browser. The settings are usually found in the “options” or “preferences” menu of the internet browser used. Depending on the internet browser used by the User, modifying the cookies settings may differ. For this purpose, the “help” button of the internet browser’s menu may be accessed.

Should you access the Site using different internet connecting devices, modifying the cookies settings should be performed for each device separately.


The Site uses two types of Cookies: per section and permanent. The latter are temporary files which stay in the User’s terminal until the session is over or until the application is closed (the web browser). The permanent files stay on the User’s terminal for a period of 2 years or until they are manually deleted by the User.

Also, the Site uses the following categories of cookies: (i) compulsory, (ii) statistics

Compulsory Cookies

This category of cookies guarantees the proper and satisfactory operation of the Site, from a technical point of view. Using the compulsory type of cookies is justified by our legitimate interest to ensure the proper operation, the access and the proper use of the Site.

Statistics Cookies

This category of cookies is used to provide the Site statistic information regarding the performance of the Site (for instance: statistics regarding the number the users, traffic sources etc.).

The use of the statistics cookies is justified by your consent, expressed by voluntarily ticking the box “Active’’ for Performance cookies.

A visit on this site may place cookies with the purpose of:

Performance Cookies for the site
Analysis Cookies for the analysis of visitors


As User of the Site you have the possibility to accept the categories of cookies by accessing the pop-up window which will automatically open when you will first use the Site using a certain device. You will be able to select the category of cookies you accept. After selecting the accepted category of cookies, you will press the “Save” button. Subsequently, these settings may be modified by accessing the eye that appears at the bottom part of the site.


Cookies as such do not request personal data to be used, and most of the times, they do not personally identify the internet users. Personal data collected by using Cookies may only be collected to facilitate certain features for the User. This data is encrypted in such a way to make impossible its being accessed by unauthorized persons.


Generally, an application used to access the web sites allows to save Cookies on a terminal by default. These settings may be modified in such a way that the automatic management of the Cookies be blocked by the web browser or the User be informed each time Cookies are sent to their terminal. The detailed information on the possibilities and the manner of managing the Cookies may be found in the settings of the application (of the web browser). Limiting the use of Cookies may affect certain features of the website.


Cookies represent the focal point of the efficient operation of Internet, helping to generate a friendly browsing experience, adapted to the preferences and interests of each user. Refusing or disabling the cookies may render impossible the use of certain websites.

Refusing or disabling the cookies does not mean that you will no longer receive online promotion messages, but only that this will no longer be able to take into account the preferences and interests of the users, as highlighted by the browsing behavior.

Examples of important use of cookies (which do not need the authentication of a user via an account):

Content and services adjusted to User’s preferences – categories of products and services.
Offers adapted to the User’s interests – remembering the passwords.
Retaining child protection filters regarding the Internet content (family mode options, safe search features).
Limiting the frequency of advertisements - limiting the number of displays of an advertisement for a certain user of a site.
Broadcasting more relevant advertisements for the User.
Analytics measurement, optimization and features, such as confirming a certain traffic level on a website, what type of content is viewed and the manner a user reaches a website (e.g. via search engines, directly, from other websites etc.). Websites perform these analyses of their use in order to improve the sites, for the benefit of the users.


Cookies are NOT viruses! They use plain text formats. They are not made up of pieces of code, therefore they cannot be executed and neither can they auto-run. Therefore, they cannot duplicate or replicate on other networks in order to run or replicate again. Since they cannot fulfill these features, they cannot be deemed as viruses.

However, cookies may be used for negative purposes. Since they store information on users’ preferences and browsing history, both on a certain site and on several sites, cookies may be used as a form of Spyware. More anti-spyware products are aware of this and they constantly mark the cookies to be deleted during deletion/anti-virus scanning/anti-spyware.

Browsers generally contain integrated privacy settings which provide different levels of accepting the cookies, the validity and automatic deletion period after the User visited a certain site.

Other security aspects in connection with cookies:

Since identity protection is very valuable and it represents the right of each internet user, it is advisable to know what potential issues may create cookies. Since they constantly transmit two-way information between the browser and the website, if a hacker or an unauthorized person interferes with the data transmission, the information contained by the cookies may be intercepted. Although very rarely, this may happen if the browser connects to the server using an un-encrypted network (e.g.: an unsecured Wi-Fi network).

Other cookie-based attacks may involve erroneous settings on the servers. If a website does not request the browser to use only the encrypted channels, the hackers may use such vulnerability to trick the browsers into sending information via unsecured channels. Hackers then use the information to access without authorization certain sites. It is highly important to pay attention and choose the best protection method of your personal data.


Due to their flexibility and the fact that most of the most visited and biggest sites use cookies, they are almost inevitable. Disabling the cookies will no longer allow the User’s access to the most popular and used sites, such as YouTube, Gmail, Yahoo and others as such.

Here is some advice which may ensure the Users to carelessly browse, but with the help of the cookies:

Customize the settings of your browser regarding cookies to reflect a level comfortable for you insofar cookies safety is concerned.
Should you not mind the cookies and should you be the only person using the computer, you may set long expiry terms for storing the browsing history and the personal access data.
Should you share the access to the computer, you may take into consideration setting the browser to delete individual browsing data, each time you close the browser. This is an option to access sites placing cookies and to delete any information regarding the visit upon terminating the browsing session.
Install and constantly update anti-spyware applications.

Many of the spyware detecting and prevention applications include detecting the attacks on the websites. Therefore, it prevents the browser from accessing websites which may exploit the vulnerabilities of the browser or to download harmful software. Ensure that your browser is always updated. Many of the cookie-based attacks are performed by exploiting the weaknesses of old version browsers.

Cookies are everywhere and they cannot be avoided if you wish to enjoy access on the best and the greatest Internet websites, be they local or international. Having a clear understanding of the way they operate and of their benefits, you can take the necessary safety measures so as to safely browse the Internet.

Disabling and refusal to receive the cookies may make certain sites impossible or difficult to visit and use. Also, refusal to accept cookies does not mean that you will no longer receive/see online advertising.

Settings of the browser are possible so that these cookies no longer be accepted or you may set your browser to accept the cookies of a certain site. However, for instance, if you are not registered by using the cookies, you will not be able to leave comments.

All modern browsers offer the possibility of changing the cookies settings. These settings are usually found in the “options” or the “preferences” menu of the browser:

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer

Cookie settings in Firefox

Cookie settings in Chrome

Cookie settings in Safari

To set the cookies generated by third parties, you may also access the site:


Should you wish to find out more information on cookies and on their use, we recommend the following links:

Microsoft Cookies guide

All About Cookies


We reserve the right to amend/update this Cookies Policy.

The amended Cookies Policy will be posted on the Site and it will come into force at the time of its publishing. Before the amended Cookies Policy takes effect, you will be informed of such amendments by a pop-up notification, which will occur when you access the Site and by which your agreement will be requested.


The use of cookies and the providers’ responsibility are regulated both by national legislation (Law no. 506/2004 regarding personal data processing and private life protection in electronic communications, with its subsequent amendments and supplements), and European laws (Directive 2002/58/EC on privacy and electronic communication), as amended and supplemented by Directive 2009/136/EC).

Also, for additional information, please refer to The General Regulation on Data Protection no. 679/2016 (“GDPR”).