Why choose ASECOMP Events?

ASECOMP Events might be the answer you are searching for if:

You are an author (researcher, scientist, academic, etc.) and:

  • You are searching for your next scientific event to attend

  • You want to save time with your search

  • You would rather surf through multiple events than go to each event’s website to learn about them

  • You are searching for clean information on the upcoming conferences to rapidly decide whether it is for you or not

  • You would like to use the same system of submitting a paper and tracking your events participation for multiple events

You are a reviewer and:

  • You would like to bring your expertise to peer review processes

  • You like having a simple, easy-to-use system of reviewing papers

  • You are curious about what events you might be a part of as a reviewer

  • You want to save time in searching for the next event to get involved in   

You are an event organizer and:

  • You are searching for the easy management tool for your event

  • You want to take your event organizing skills to the next level

  • You want to be efficient in managing everything related to your event

  • You would like to showcase your event to an already ‘warm’ audience (authors that are in search for the next conference to attend)

  • You want to use a pro system of paper submission, reviews management, and report building for your event

This tool is for you if...

… you are searching for the easy management tool for your event

… you want to take your event organizing skills to the next level

... you want to save time and energy while organizing your event

… you are searching for an easy-to-use tool that will wow your participants

... you want to be efficient and still have a pro system of managing your event

... you want to showcase your event to an already qualified audience

... you want to discover what other events look like

Why creating your event here?

  • It is simple and easy   

  • It saves you time and energy   

  • You are sure that you will never miss anything that is essential for your event

  • It's likely that your future participants are here already

  • Your future reviewers might be already here

  • You will let your partners and participants that you are a pro when it comes to event organizing

  • You will be able to get an instant overview of how well your event is performing (in terms of number of participants, reviewers’ committee, submitted papers and so on)